Gulf State Guardsmen

NAME : Elizabeth "Liz" Harrison IDENTITY : Not Secret OPERATIONS : Florida Keys, FL, USA POWER LEVEL : 9 PLAYER : "Spectrum"

Abilities Cost: 34
 Lifting STR 0 
50 lbs.

 Flight 6 
120 mph

 Swimming 6 
30 mph

 every 1.6 rounds 
(in water)

Defense Cost: 19

+0 Close, Damage 0 Water Weapons +9 Close, Damage 9


Acrobatics 10 0 10 Athletics 0 0 -- Close Combat
Water Weapon 9 0 9 Deception 5/10 0/5 5 Expertise
Coast Guard 8 0 8 Insight 8 8 -- Intimidation 0 0 --

Investigation 10 0 10 Perception 8 8 -- Persuasion 10/15 0/5 10 Ranged Combat 0 0 -- Sleight of Hand -- 0 -- Stealth 9/19 0/9 10 Technology -- 0 -- Treatment 6 0 6 Vehicles -- 0 --
Skills Cost: 34

Agile Feint Attractive 2 Benefit (Coast Guard) Connected Equipment 2 Evasion 2

Favored Environment (Aquatic) Great Endurance Hide In Plain Sight Language (Spanish)

Move-By Action Precise Attack 2 (Close, Cover, Concealment) Redirect Tough Guy 2
Advantages Cost: 20

Beachcomer: Feature 2 (Variable Descriptor, Seaside Skills) 3 Elongation: Elongation 1, +1 to Grab 1 Waterblending: Enhanced Trait 4.5 (+9 Stealth, Wet Conditions) 3 Waterdweller: Immunity 3 (Environmental Cold & Pressure, Drowning, 6 ½ Effect), Movement 2 (Aquatic Adaptation, Permeate 1) Water Heals: Regeneration 6 (every 1.66 rounds), Only in water 3 Seaspeech: Comprehend 2 (Speak to & Understand Sea Creatures 2 Sea Senses: Senses 4 (Accurate Hearing, Darkvision) 4 Water Jets Array 7 AE Flow: Swimming 6 6 AE Water Ramp: Flight 6, Platform, Within distance rank 1 1 Waterbending Array 11 AE Water Weapons: Damage 9, Variable Descriptor (Weapons) 10 AE Hydrokinesis: Perception Move Object 5, Limited Material 1 (Water)
Powers Cost: 40
Devices Cost: 0
Total Cost: 147
Base Points: 144 ExP Spent: 3 Experience Points Total: 4 Total Points: 147

Gulf State Guardsmen Communicator 1 Contribution to the Guardsmen Transport 9
Enemy - Smugglers and other water based threats are chief among Waverunner's foes. She also faces off against her very own recurring villain: Tiburon, a genetically modified Columbian smuggler.
Fame - Stalkeratzzi tend to focus on her due to her senstalionistic costumes.
Doing Good - In the end, Liz just wants to help others.
Thrillseeker - Liz loves being in the heart of the action and getting the blood pumping.
Quirk - Liz spends all available time in the water and sun, which can be distracting and cause her to loose track of time.
Relationship - Liz is loyal to her shipmates, dead beat brother (Dan), and love interest of the moment.
Responsibility - She is an active member of the Coast Guard and takes the position seriously.

Background: Some people talk about being born in the wrong place, or the wrong time. Elizabeth Harrison was born in the wrong element. Well, that’s not quite true. Her actual birth was in one of those New Age trendy bathing pool things but then she was pulled out into the air and land. She’s been trying to get back to the water ever since. Thankfully, she grew up out on the Keys so it wasn’t that hard. That and her family ran a boating service, getting hired to take clueless tourists out to dive or for some deep sea fishing. Liz took to everything related to the sea, whether it was in and over the water, fishing, swimming, boating, surfing, the list went on and on. It was a good life for her. Her brother, Dan, made it a little harder- constantly trying to find the easy ways and getting caught and expecting his big sister to bail him out.

Before too long, Liz was helping out with the family business and was becoming one of the go to people around the area when it came to dealing with the sea. School never came very easily to her, she just didn’t see the point and really there wasn’t much that it could offer for her career choices. It was so much better being out There, the thrill of the next big wave, the next cute boy (or girl, she wasn’t too picky) to flirt with. It was also around this time that became acquainted with a dolphin family, forming a special attachment with one of the young males, ‘Jimmy’.

One night, Liz was on her light sailboat, gazing into the stars, with Jimmy at her side, enjoying the beauty of the waters together. Out of the corner of her eye, Liz caught something shimmering deep in the water. Going to investigate, they came across an oddly glowing orb..and then darkness. When Liz awoke, Jimmy was worriedly nudging her and begging her to wake up. Wait.. what? While they had always communicated in a language deeper than words, now they could talk together, like with real words. Liz was elated, this was finally the opportunity that she had yearned for her entire life, to be part of the Oceans- swim faster, hold her breath longer, speaking with the creatures of the sea. A new life and one that she had always dreamed of.

Over the next few months, Liz explored this new opportunity with a hedonistic delight, not seeing a need for a greater purpose other than living life to its fullest. Her relationship with ‘Jimmy’- no ‘Laughs at Sharks’ deepened. Her family rarely saw her on land, instead meeting on the family business boat. While they had concerns, they also saw the happiness and were willing to accept it. Liz found that she could do more with her new abilities as she rescued a burning immigrant boat going down. She saved those people. Things grew more awkward when the coast guard arrived, otherwise too late. They couldn’t stop her from leaving. The contacts, and conflicts, became more frequent as she came to the rescue more often. Things came to a head when Captain Penelope Cruz asked Liz a simple question-‘you want a job? You’re already doing it. Let’s make it official.’

Liz, codenamed Waverunner, has become quite the hero despite herself, taking on operations in countersmuggling and rescue. Very recently, she’s been invited to join a new regional team. That might be fun- if it doesn’t take her away from the Oceans too much.

Waverunner was created, designed and played by "Spectrum".

© Copyright 2016, 2024 - "Spectrum"

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Last updated on 24 February 2024