D.C. Defenders

NAME : Ronald Lexington IDENTITY : Public OPERATIONS : Washington, DC, USA POWER LEVEL : 10 PLAYER : Jim Caswell - GM

Abilities Cost: 44

Lifting STR 2 200 lbs. Flying 7 250 MPH

* - without
Defensive Roll

Defense Cost: 9

+0 Close, Damage 2 Telekinesis +13 Ranged, Move Object 7 Ego Attack -- Perception Ranged Damage 5 Mind Control -- Ranged, Affliction 5


Attractive 1 Benefit 7 (Passport, Wealth 4, Owner - Lexington Inc.) Connected Contacts

Defensive Roll 4 Fascinate (Persuasion) Favored Foe (Businessmen) Hide In Plain Sight Improved Inititative

Minion 3 (Jock Johnson) Power Attack Speed of Thought Taunt Teamwork Well-Informed
Advantages Cost: 26 Notes:

Acrobatics -- 1 -- Athletics 2 2 -- Close Combat 0 0 -- Deception 8/10 6/2 2 Expertise
Business 7 4 3 Bureaucratics 5 4 1 Stock Market 5 4 1 High Society 5 4 1 Insight 6 6 -- Intimidation 6 6 --

Investigation 5 3 2 Perception 6 6 -- Persuasion 10/12 6/2 4 Ranged Combat 0 0 -- Mental Powers 13 0 13 Sleight of Hand -- 0 -- Stealth 3 1 2 Technology 5 4 1 Treatment -- 3 -- Vehicles -- 0 --
Skills Cost: 15

Distorted Targeting: Enhanced Trait 20 (+10 Dodge & Parry, 10 Resistable by Will) Fast Thinking: Quickness 3 (Limited to Mental Activities) 2 Mental Powers Array 26 AE Telekinesis: Move Object 7, Damaging 21 AE Ego Attack: Mental Blast 5 1 AE Illusionary Invisibility: Concealment 10 (All Senses, Not vs 1 Remote Sensing) AE Mental Illusion: Illusion 10 (vision & Hearing, 1000 cft.) 1 AE Mind Manipulation: Mind Control 5 1 AE Other Mental Abilities: Variable 4 (20 pts.), Only mental 1 powers, Slow Mental Sense: Burst Area Effortless Mind Reading 8, Innate, 35 Insidious, Subtle Mind Link: Mental Communication 2, 1 mile 8 Selfkinesis: Flight 7 14
Powers Cost: 95
Devices Cost: 0 Total Cost: 189 Base Points: 160 ExP Spent: 29 Experience Points Total: 15 Total Points: 189 Equipment:
Complications (Before Conviction):
Agoraphobia - Ronald has difficulty in large crowds, often times either shutting down or lashing out when surrounded by people.
Overconfident - Ronald Lexington is extremely confident in his abilities, to the extent of believing that whatever he decides is the right thing, no matter what anyone else thinks.
Rivalry - Lexington strives to outdo his competitors, often by any means necessary. Whether professional (Adams Industries), Personal or Heroic, he wants to make sure everyone knows that he is the best.

Complications (After Conviction):
Agoraphobia - Ronald has difficulty in large crowds, often times either shutting down or lashing out when surrounded by people.
Overconfident - Ronald Lexington is extremely confident in his abilities, to the extent of believing that whatever he decides is the right thing, no matter what anyone else thinks.
Recluse - After serving his time in prison, Ronald turned over his company to his friend, Larry Carter, making sure he had the knowledge needed to run it, and went into hiding to protect the image of his company and former teammates.
Convicted Felon - Ronald Lexington has served his time for the crime of using his mental abilities to maipulate the stock market.

Known Background: Ronald Lexington is a fourth-generation millionaire industrialist. He had been groomed since childhood to take over the family empire and knew that the fate of the company rested squarely on his shoulders. He was taught that you got what you went after, pushed past those that got in your way, and that business was a cutthroat world. "Whatever it takes," his father used to say. So when Lexington discovered that he was developing mental powers, it became another weapon in his arsenal. When one of the company's competitors began to get some of Lexington's top government contracts, Ronald became worried. While he considered several options, he decided to try his hand at the stock market, using his powers to learn the best times to buy and sell. While his efforts managed to keep the company above water, he felt a bit guilty over the deception. As such, he decided to "balance the books" by joining the super hero community as Mindmeld.

Through a series of coincidences, Mindmeld met the man who would become his most trusted ally and some of his closest friends. Unlike his life in the business world, he felt like his time with the Warriors was his opportunity to relax, not worrying who may be around the corner to stab him in the back. In hindsight after the final battle with the Outcasts, he believed that perhaps he should have been less relaxed. Losing his group, he quickly jumped at the chance to rebuild, trying to reproduce the team dynamic through manipulation in the D.C. Defenders while also hoping to establish the popularity and importance of the Champions of Justice. When that failed, he grew frustrated and contemplated forcing the issue. Before that could happen, though, his double life was revealed to the public and his past indiscretions became public speculation. Choosing to give up everything he had worked for rather than have the truth revealed (and potentially destroy the family empire), he placed all of his faith in his friend Larry, ensuring that Carter could succeed in an unfamiliar environment before leaving for obscurity and becoming a recluse.

Personality: Lexington was raised in the dog-eat-dog world of big business. As such, he knows that you must do whatever it takes to get what you want. He is willing to manipulate people and situations to meet those needs. People who recognize this fact and can accept his need to control the situation (or at least make him believe he's in control) get to know that he also has a generous side and really has a desire to be a good person.

Powers/Tactics: Mindmeld is probably one of the most powerful human mentalists in the world. Part of the reason for this is undoubtedly due to the fact that he has no compunction against using his powers to manipulate others. As such, he is very comfortable rooting around in other people's heads, telling them what to think if it furthers the greater good or changing their minds outright. He knows that there is a line between right and wrong, but if he's doing it to be a good guy, then it can't be wrong, right? He is also an accomplished telekinetic, able to lift large amounts of weight or just shove things out his way very, very hard.

Appearance: Ronald Lexington is in his late 30's, standing 5'11" tall with an amateur tennis-athlete build and hazel eyes. His natural hair color is brown, though what his current appearance may be is open to debate as he is purposely trying to avoid recognition.

Mindmeld was created and designed by Jim Caswell.

© Copyright 1992, 2024 - James E. Caswell

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Last updated on 7 May 2023